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Our Products

Products That We Offer

Chakki Fresh Atta

Ankit chakki fresh atta is made by traditional stone grinding, a process that imparts a characteristic aroma and taste while retaining moisture and contributes to the softness of the atta. The high bran content of the wholemeal atta makes it a fibre-rich food. There are no additives during processing or packaging, making Ankit’s chakki fresh atta 100% natural.

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Mota Dana Sooji

Sooji or semolina is coarsely ground wheat. It contains a lot of protein. It is used to make halwas and other delicious items. Ankit produces “mota dana” (bold grain) sooji of the highest quality. Our sooji is speck less and free of bran, stones and impurities. We also specially roast our sooji to impart a rich aroma and also increase the shelf life. Ankit maintain the highest standards of hygiene to keep the product fresh and clean.

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Superfine Maida

Maida refers to finely milled and refined wheat flour. Maida is made from the inner white portion of the wheat grain after the outer layer of bran has been removed. No chemical addition or bleaching is done to Ankit maida to improve whiteness. Thus what you see is what you get- premium quality, fresh, all-natural maida.

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Premium Wheat Dalia

Ankit produces wheat dalia from the finest quality wheat, processing it to make tasty, healthy dalia, high in fibre and nutrition. Ankit Dalia retains its natural flavours, making it extremely healthy without addition of any chemicals or preservatives.

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